Senin, 18 Januari 2010

KPK Is Requested to Finish the Case of BPD Kaltim

VIVAnews -- Performance of Regional Development Banks (BPD) continues to receive great attention. Currently, the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) was in the investigation of illegal practices of some of the deposit from BPD to officials at provincial and district levels in some areas.

Cases of illegal deposits in some BPD are seemingly only one of the alleged unhealthy practices that occur in BPD environment. "Its existence, which is far from the supervision of the central institutions’ law enforcement, seems to open greater opportunities for the occurrence of these unhealthy practices.

These unhealthy practices lead to corruption activities that potentially cause significant financial losses to the country, "he said. One of the suspected unhealthy banking practices is the problematic credit channeling by BPD Kaltim to a company.

Legally, the party applying for a loan was indeed a community cooperative as plasma farmer. However, the corporate guarantor was that company. "The fact, it was also that company that manages and uses the credit funds.

Therefore, it can be said that the substantial creditor is that company. The credit was worth around. Rp 219 billion which is realized in July 2009 for the purposes of development and management of community’s oil palm plasma plantations in the area of 1200 hectares in Kutai Kartanegara.

There was an allegation that the credit funds were not used for the development and management of oil palm plantations plasma belongs to the people. This allegation comes after seeing a very slow process of plantation development.

"Almost all plantation development schedule starting from land clearing, construction of roads, construction of drainage until seeding time deviated from the limit that have previously set," the spokesman of Transparansi Otonomi Daerah, Ahmad Dede Kurnia explained on Sunday, January 10, 2010.

"If in the end the people's plantation development fails then most likely the loans will be bad and that means financial losses have led to the state.
In addition, if the people’s plantation development by that company fails then it will surely cause the loss for the local people as the owners and possibly also as oil palm plantation workers.
Moreover, the physical guarantee of that loan is the plantation areas that are currently being developed. If in the future the credit turns into bad and the bank conduct the foreclosures, the people own of the land will suffer from two great losses.
The first loss is that they loss their income and livelihood because plantation development has failed, while the second loss arising from people's land that was eventually confiscated by the bank for a loan guarantee.
Therefore, the Commission (KPK) must act quickly, and make this as a priority considering the potential financial losses are very big country and far beyond the limits of investigation under the authority of the Commission which is only Rp 1 billion.
They also requested the Commission (KPK) to also see the detail quality of work in the plantation development done by company, whether or not it is in conformity with what had been promised. "Regarding the provision of seeds, for example, it has to be seen whether the seeds provided are actually in the quality and price as agreed upon," said Ahmad Dede Kurnia.
• VIVAnews

KPK is Requested to Find Out the Suspected Bad Credit in BPD Kaltim


JAKARTA, - Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) of Transparansi Otonomi Daerah (Region Autonomy Transparency) through its spokesman, Ahmad Dede Kurnia welcoming the attitude of Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) which began to highlight the performance of the Regional Development Banks (BPD). Moreover, the Commission was in the investigation of illegal practices of some of the deposit from BPD to officials at provincial and district levels in some areas.

Dede Kurnia in his statement, Sunday (10 / 1) also stated that a case of illegal deposits in some BPD is seemingly only one of the allegedly unhealthy practices that occur in BPD environment.

"Its existence, which is far from the supervision of the central institutions’ law enforcement, seems to open greater opportunities for the occurrence of these unhealthy practices. These unhealthy practices lead to corruption activities that potentially cause significant financial losses to the country, "he said.

Dede believes the allegations of unhealthy banking practices is the bad credit channeling by BPD Kaltim on one of the local companies PT AUS in East Kalimantan.

Legally, he explained, the party applying for a loan was indeed a community cooperative as plasma farmer. However, the corporate guarantor was that company.

"The fact was that PT AUS also manages and uses the credit funds. Thus, it can be said that the substantial creditor is PT AUS. The credit was worth about Rp. which is realized in July 2009 for the purposes of development and management of community’s oil palm plasma plantations in the area of 1200 hectares," Dede said.

The allegation is that, Dede confirmed, the credit funds were not used for the development and management of oil palm plantations plasma belongs to the people. This conclusion comes after seeing a very slow process of plantation development.

"Almost all plantation development schedule starting from land clearing, construction of roads, construction of drainage until seeding time deviated from the limit that have previously set," he explained.

"If in the end the people's plantation development fails then most likely the loans of PT AUS it will be bad and that means financial losses have led to the state," said Dede again.

KPK must Monitor Credit Funds of BPK Kaltim

Source: Daily Terbit

JAKARTA - Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) Transparansi Otonomi Daerah (Transpoda) requested the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) to oversee the credit channeling worth of Rp by the Regional Development Banks (BPD) of East Kalimantan (Kaltim) to a company PT AUS. They worry that the credit will become a problem in the future.

“There was an allegation that the credit funds were not used for the development and management of oil palm plantations belongs to the people. This allegation comes after seeing a very slow process of plantation development, said spokesman of Transpoda”, Ahmad Dede Kurnia in Jakarta, Sunday (10/1).

Dede Kurnia said that legally, the party applying for a loan was indeed a community cooperative as plasma farmer. However, the corporate guarantor was PT AUS. The fact was that PT AUS also manages and uses the credit funds. Therefore, it can be said that the substantial creditor is PT AUS.

As already known, BPD Kaltim disburse the credit worth around Rp 219 billion which is realized in July 2009 for the purposes of development and management of community’s oil palm plasma plantations in the area of 1200 hectares in Kutai Kartanegara.

He said that almost all plantation development schedule starting from land clearing, construction of roads, construction of drainage until seeding time deviated from the limit that have previously set.”

“If in the end the people's plantation development fails then most likely the loans of PT AUS will be bad and that means financial losses have led to the state.

In addition, if the people’s plantation development by PT AUS fails then it will surely cause the loss for the local people as the owners and possibly also as oil palm plantation workers.

Moreover, Dede Kurnia continued, the physical guarantee of that loan is the plantation areas that are currently being developed. (kinoy)

Transpoda Requests KPK to Oversee the Credit Channeling of Rp 219 Billion in Kukar

Transpoda Requests KPK to Oversee the Credit Channeling of Rp 219 Billion in Kukar
Jakarta, Pelita

Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) Transparansi Otonomi Daerah (Transpoda) requested the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) to oversee the credit channeling worth of Rp by the Regional Development Banks (BPD) of East Kalimantan (Kaltim) to a company PT AUS. They worry that the credit will become a problem in the future.

There was an allegation that the credit funds were not used for the development and management of oil palm plantations belongs to the people. This allegation comes after seeing a very slow process of plantation development, said spokesman of Transpoda, Ahmad Dede Kurnia in Jakarta, Sunday (10/1).

Dede Kurnia said that legally, the party applying for a loan was indeed a community cooperative as plasma farmer. However, the corporate guarantor was PT AUS. The fact was that PT AUS also manages and uses the credit funds. Therefore, it can be said that the substantial creditor is PT AUS.
BPD Kaltim disburse the credit worth around Rp 219 billion which is realized in July 2009 for the purposes of development and management of community’s oil palm plasma plantations in the area of 1200 hectares in Kutai Kartanegara.

The planting of commercial seeds in the field was conducted in December 2008. Until the end of December 2008, 101,250 seeds or 750 Ha has been planted. The seeds planting were targeted to be finished in August 2009; however it is known that until know it has not been finished.

He said that almost all plantation development schedule starting from land clearing, construction of roads, construction of drainage until seeding time deviated from the limit that have previously set.

If in the end the people's plantation development fails then most likely the loans of PT AUS will be bad and that means financial losses have led to the state.

In addition, if the people’s plantation development by PT AUS fails then it will surely cause the loss for the local people as the owners and possibly also as oil palm plantation workers.

Moreover, Dede Kurnia continued, the physical guarantee of that loan is the plantation areas that are currently being developed. If in the future the credit turns into bad and the bank conduct the foreclosures, the people own of the land will suffer from two great losses.

The first loss, he said, is that they loss their income and livelihood because plantation development has failed, while the second loss arising from people's land that was eventually confiscated by the bank for a loan guarantee.

Therefore, KPK must carefully act by investigating every detail of activities conducted by PT AUS in relation to the plantation development. It should be avoided that these funds is lost and never return to the state because of the failure of plantation development, he said.

Responding to this issue, the Chairman of Commission II DPRD Kutai Kartanegara as the commission in charge of regional development issues, M Solahuddin said that his office would conduct an investigation to prove the truth of the matter.

Solahuddin revealed that his office had actually heard that problem a long time. However, officially, no one report this matter.

It is necessary to conduct investigation again, and we're going to call the PT AUS and BPD Kaltim as soon as possible. It must be avoided that a good program from the government turn into failure, he said. (AY)

KPK will Investigate the Problematic Bank of East Kalimantan (Kaltim) to a company PT Anugerah Urea Sakti in Muara Kaman

One of the suspected unhealthy banking practices is the problematic credit channeling by BPD of East Kalimantan.

The performance of Regional Development Bank (BPD) was continuously highlighted by various parties. The reason is that many illegal deposits practices occur from some BPD to officials at the provincial and district levels in various regions. The spokesman of NGO Transparansi Otonomi Daerah (Transoda), Ahmad Dede Kurniawan said one of the suspected unhealthy banking practices is the problematic credit channeling by BPD of East Kalimantan (Kaltim) to a company PT Anugerah Urea Sakti in Kaltim.

Ahmad said that legally, the party applying for a loan was indeed a community cooperative as plasma farmer. However, the corporate guarantor was PT AUS. The fact was that PT AUS also manages and uses the credit funds. Therefore, it can be said that the substantial creditor is PT AUS,” he explained.

The credit was worth around Rp 219 billion which is realized in July 2009 for the purposes of development and management of community’s oil palm plasma plantations in the area of 3,000 hectares in Kutai Kartanegara.

There was an allegation that the credit funds were not used for the development and management of oil palm plantations plasma belongs to the people. Ahmad said that this allegation comes after seeing a very slow process of plantation development.

He said that almost all plantation development schedule starting from land clearing, construction of roads, construction of drainage until seeding time deviated from the limit that have previously set. If in the end the people's plantation development fails then most likely the loans of PT AUS will be bad and that means financial losses have led to the state.

And that's not just the problem. If the people’s plantation development by PT AUS fails then it will surely cause the loss for the local people as the owners and possibly also as oil palm plantation workers.

Moreover, the physical guarantee of that loan is the plantation areas that are currently being developed, said Ahmad. If in the future the credit turns into bad and the bank conduct the foreclosures, the people own of the land will suffer from two great losses.

From this allegation, Ahmad request Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) to investigate this case in detail. He hoped that KPK does not passively wait for the credit of PT AUS becoming bad then act on it.

"Without having to wait for PT AUS bad credit, elements of corruption has been fulfilled if absolutely verifiable credit disbursed funds were not used for plantation development," he added.

That is, Ahmad added, in accordance with the mandate of Article 4 of Law Number 30 of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK), year 2002 which said that the Commission was formed to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of efforts to eradicate corruption. "Therefore, the Commission must act quickly to investigate suspected cases of this problematic loan," he said.

Abuses conducted by BPD clearly does present a question, the extent to which BI supervise regional banks. Unfortunately, Director of the Directorate of Law of BI, Ahmad Fuad did not pick up the phone when confirmed by Hukumonline.

KPK Usut Kredit Bermasalah PT Anugerah Urea Sakti di Bank KALTIM


Potret Bank Pembangunan Daerah (BPD) kembali menjadi sorotan. Setelah hingar-bingar praktek setoran ilegal dari beberapa BPD kepada pejabat di tingkat provinsi dan kabupaten di berbagai daerah, kini menyangkut penyaluran kredit yang diduga bermasalah. Adalah juru bicara LSM Tranparansi Otonomi Daerah (Transoda) Ahmad Dede Kurniawan yang mengungkapkan salah satu dugaan praktek perbankan tak sehat berupa penyaluran kredit yang diduga bermasalah oleh BPD Kalimantan Timur (Kaltim) ke sebuah perusahaan berinisial PT AUS di Kaltim.

Dikatakan Ahmad, secara legal memang pihak yang mengajukan kredit adalah koperasi masyarakat sebagai petani plasma. Akan tetapi yang menjadi penjamin korporat adalah PT AUS. Faktanya, PT AUS pula yang mengelola dan menggunakan dana kre-
dit tersebut. "Dengan demikian dapat dikatakan bahwa kreditor substansial adalah PT AUS," ujarnya.

Kredit tersebut bernilai sekitar Rp219 miliar yang direalisasikan bulan juli 2009 untuk keperluan pembangunan dan pengelolaan perkebunan plasma kelapa sawit milik rakyat seluas 3.000 hektar di Kutai Kartanegara.

Ada dugaan dan kredit tersebut temyata tidak digunakan untuk pembangunan dan pengelolaan kelapa sawit milik rakyat. Dugaan itu, kata Ahmad, muncul setelah melihat sangat lambannya proses pembangunan perkebunan.

Menurutnya, hampir semua jadwal tahapan pembangunan perkebunan mulai dari pembersihan lahan (land clearing), pembangunan jalan-jalan, pembangunan drainase sampai pembibitan melenceng dari batas waktu yang telah ditetapkan sebelumnya. Jika pada akhirnya pembangun-
an tersebut gagal, kemungkinan besar kredit PT AUS itu akan menjadi macet yang berarti menimbulkan kerugian bagi dan negara.

Bukan itu saja. Jika pembangunan perkebunan rakyat oleh PT AUS gagal maka dipastikan akan menimbulkan kerugian bagi rakyat setempat sebagai pemilik dan kemungkinan juga sebagai pekerja perkebunan kelapa sawit. "Terlebih jaminan fisik kredit tersebut adalah lahan-lahan kebun yang sedang dibangun," ucap Ahmad. Bila kelak kredit menjadi macet dan pihak bank melakukan penyitaan jaminan,
maka rakyat pemilik lahan akan mengalami dua kali kerugian.

Atas dugaan itu, Ahmad meminta Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi (KPK) menyelidiki kasus ini secara detail. Dia berharap KPK tidak bisa pasif menunggu kredit PT AUS macet terlebih dahulu baru kemudian bertindak. "Tanpa harus menunggu kredit PT AUS macet, unsur-unsur tindak pidana korupsi sudah terpenuhi jika benar-benar dapat dibuktikan dana kredit yang dikucurkan temyata tidak digunakan untuk keperluan pembangunan perkebunan," tambahnya.

Hal itu, sambung Ahmad, sesuai dengan amanat Pasal 4 Undang-Undang KPK Nomor 30 Tahun 2002 yang mengatakan KPK dibentuk untuk meningkatkan daya guna dan hasil guna upaya pemberantasan tindak pidana korupsi. "Oleh sebab itu, KPK harus bertindak cepat mengusut kasus dugaan kredit bermasalah ini," tuturnya, /nn

KPK Diminta Selidiki Kredit Bermasalah PT Anugerah urea Sakti di BPD Kaltim

(Johan Budi dalam keterangan Persnya mengenai Bank kaltim)

Senin, 11 January 2010]
Salah satu dugaan praktek perbankan tak sehat adalah penyaluran kredit yang diduga bermasalah oleh BPD Kalimantan Timur.

Kinerja Bank Pembangunan Daerah (BPD) saat ini terus disorot berbagai pihak. Pasalnya, banyak terjadi praktek setoran ilegal dari beberapa BPD kepada pejabat di tingkat provinsi dan kabupaten di berbagai daerah. Juru bicara LSM Tranparansi Otonomi Daerah (Transoda), Ahmad Dede Kurniawan mengatakan salah satu dugaan praktek perbankan tak sehat adalah penyaluran kredit yang diduga bermasalah oleh BPD Kalimantan Timur (Kaltim) ke sebuah perusahaan berinisial PT AUS di Kaltim.

Dikatakan Ahmad, secara legal memang pihak yang mengajukan kredit adalah koperasi masyarakat sebagai petani plasma. Akan tetapi yang menjadi penjamin korporat adalah PT AUS. Faktanya, PT AUS pula yang mengelola dan menggunakan dana kredit tersebut. “Dengan demikian dapat dikatakan bahwa kreditor substansial adalah PT AUS,” ujarnya.

Kredit tersebut bernilai sekitar Rp219 miliar yang direalisasikan bulan Juli 2009 untuk keperluan pembangunan dan pengelolaan perkebunan plasma kelapa sawit milik rakyat seluas 3.000 hektar di Kutai Kartanegara.

Ada dugaan dan kredit tersebut ternyata tidak digunakan untuk pembangunan dan pengelolaan kelapa sawit milik rakyat. Dugaan itu, kata ahmad, muncul setelah melihat sangat lambannya proses pembangunan perkebunan.

Menurutnya, hampir semua jadwal tahapan pembangunan perkebunan mulai dari pembersihan lahan (land clearing), pembangunan jalan-jalan, pembangunan drainase sampai pembibitan melenceng dari batas waktu yang telah ditetapkan sebelumnya. Jika pada akhirnya pembangunan tersebut gagal, kemungkinan besar kredit PT AUS itu akan menjadi macet yang berarti menimbulkan kerugian bagi dan negara.

Bukan itu saja. Jika pembangunan perkebunan rakyat oleh PT AUS gagal maka dipastikan akan menimbulkan kerugian bagi rakyat setempat sebagai pemilik dan kemungkinan juga sebagai pekerja perkebunan kelapa sawit.

“Terlebih jaminan fisik kredit tersebut adalah lahan-lahan kebun yang sedang dibangun,” ucap Ahmad. Bila kelak kredit menjadi macet dan pihak bank melakukan penyitaan jaminan, maka rakyat pemilik lahan akan mengalami dua kali kerugian.

Atas dugaan itu, Ahmad meminta Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi (KPK) menyelidiki kasus ini secara detail. Dia berharap KPK tidak bisa pasif menunggu kredit PT AUS macet terlebih dahulu baru kemudian bertindak.

“Tanpa harus menunggu kredit PT AUS macet, unsur-unsur tindak pidana korupsi sudah terpenuhi jika benar-benar dapat dibuktikan dana kredit yang dikucurkan ternyata tidak digunakan untuk keperluan pembangunan perkebunan,” tambahnya.

Hal itu, sambung Ahmad, sesuai dengan amanat Pasal 4 Undang-Undang KPK Nomor 30 Tahun 2002 yang mengatakan KPK dibentuk untuk meningkatkan daya guna dan hasil guna upaya pemberantasan tindak pidana korupsi. “Oleh sebab itu, KPK harus bertindak cepat mengusut kasus dugaan kredit bermasalah ini,” tuturnya.

Penyelewengan yang dilakukan BPD jelas menghadirkan pertanyaan, sejauh mana pengawasan BI terhadap bank-bank daerah. Sayangnya, Direktur Direktorat Hukum BI, Ahmad Fuad tak mengangkat ponselnya ketika dikonfirmasi hukumonline.


KPK Diminta Endus Dugaan Kredit Bermasalah PT Anugerah Urea Sakti di Bank Kaltim

JAKARTA, - Lembaga Swadaya Masyarakat (LSM) Transparansi Otonomi Daerah melalui juru bicaranya, Ahmad Dede Kurnia menyambut baik sikap Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi (KPK) yang mulai menyoroti kinerja Bank Pembangunan Daerah (BPD). Terlebih, KPK tengah dalam penyelidikan praktek setoran illegal dari beberapa BPD kepada pejabat di tingkatan provinsi dan kabupaten di beberapa daerah.

Dede Kurnia dalam pernyataannya, Minggu (10/1) juga menyatakan kasus setoran illegal di beberapa BPD tersebut nampaknya hanya salah satu dari dugaan praktik tak sehat yang terjadi di lingkungan BPD.

"Keberadaannya yang jauh dari pengawasan institusi penegak hukum pusat nampaknya membuka peluang lebih besar bagi terjadinya praktik-praktik tak sehat. Praktek tak sehat itu menjurus ke tindak pidana korupsi yang berpotensi menimbulkan kerugian keuangan negara yang signifikan," katanya.

Dede meyakini adanya dugaan praktik perbankan tak sehat adalah penyaluran kredit bermasalah oleh BPD Kaltim pada salah satu perusahaan lokal berinisial PT AUS di Kalimantan Timur.

Secara legal, paparnya, memang pihak yang mengajukan kredit adalah koperasi masyarakat sebagai petani plasma. Akan tetapi yang menjadi penjamin korporat adalah perusahaan yang dimaksud.

"Faktanya PT AUS pula yang mengelola dan menggunakan dana kredit tersebut. Dengan demikian dapat dikatakan bahwa kreditor substansial adalah PT AUS.Kredit tersebut bernilai sekitar Rp. yang direalisasikan bulan Juli 2009 untuk keperluan pembangunan dan pengelolaan perkebunan plasma kelapa sawit milik rakyat seluas 1g200 hektar di Kutai Kartanegara," Dede menjelaskan.

Dugaannya bahwa, Dede menegaskan, dana kredit tersebut ternyata tidak dipergunakan untuk pembangunan dan pengelolaan perkebunan plasma kelapa sawit milik rakyat. Hal ini muncul setelah melihat sangat lambannya proses pembangunan perkebunan.

"Hampir semua jadwal tahapan pembangunan perkebunan mulai dari pembersihan lahan (land clearing), pembangunan jalan-jalan , pembangunan drainase sampai pembibitan melenceng dari batas waktu yang telah ditetapkan sebelumnya," paparnya.

"Jika pada akhirnya pembangunan perkebunan rakyat tersebut gagal maka kemungkinan besar kredit PT AUS tersebut akan menjadi macet dan itu artinya telah menimbulkan kerugian keuangan negara," sambung Dede lagi.

KPK Diminta Endus Dugaan Kredit Bermasalah di BPD Kaltim